Abstracts submission is closed.
You can submit your abstract for either an oral or poster contribution. If you participate on-line, you can give your talk live via the Zoom platform that will be used (be aware of the time differences between your country and Spain). Posters from in-person participants will be physically exhibited at the workshop and a .pdf version will be made available from the workshop website as well. Posters from on-line participants will be only available as .pdf files from the website.
In order to submit your abstract, please prepare it using this Word template. Once prepared, change the filename to ‘abstract_surname.docx’ (e.g. abstract_smith.docx) and follow these two steps:
1. Complete this form.
2. Send your abstract file (in Word format, not .pdf) to iwted@uji.es, indicating ‘Abstract submission’ in the topic.
When completing the form in step 1, presenters of oral contributions will be asked if they agree on his/her presentation to be recorded by the Zoom platform and made available to the participants through the workshop website. Due to the significant time difference between Spain and many non-European countries, this offers the on-line participants the possibility to view a recording of the oral talks and properly follow the contents of the workshop. These recordings will be made available only to the participants and for a limited period of one month. We strongly encourage the oral speakers to agree on this. It will significantly facilitate a more international dissemination of the presented results.
Abstract acceptance will be confirmed after revision no later than May 26th. Submissions not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for acceptance as posters.